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ttb happy life protect

ttb happy life protect

Design the future you want with Happy Life Protect.


Product highlights


life and 5-critical-illness coverages.

Opportunities to Earn Extra Money

with dividend opportunity from policy year 11 (if any).

Happy Retirement

withdraw accumulated dividend anytime (starting from the policy anniversary attaining age 60.

Short Payment, Long Protection

pay fixed premium for only 10 years, but cover until age 99.


up to THB 100,000 per year in accordance with the terms and condition prescribed by the Revenue Department.

Coverage and benefits

  • Death Benefit no less than 100% of basic sum assured.
    (According to a percentage of the basic sum assured, or surrender value or total paid premium of the basic plan, whichever is higher)
  • 5 Critical Illness Benefit: Acute Heart Attack, Major Stroke, Chronic Kidney Failure, Invasive Cancer, and Coma.
  • Maturity Benefit receive 150% of basic sum assured at the end of policy year attaining age 99.
  • Dividend opportunity (non-guaranteed benefits) starting from the end of the 11th policy year, according to the company's dividend payout policy.
  • Accumulated dividend can be withdrawn up to 40% of latest accumulated dividend amount starting from the policy anniversary at the insured’s 60th birthday.

Example of benefits

42-year-old Business Owner chooses Happy Life Protect with THB 162,000 annual premium. This gives her THB 2,000,000 life sum assured, plus THB 2,000,000 critical illness (CI) coverage.

Benefit details

Issue Age

1 month -50 years

Coverage Period

Until age 99

Premium Payment Period

10 years

Basic Sum Assured (Life Coverage)

THB 200,000

Rider Sum Assured (Critical Illness)

100% of Basic Sum Assured (Life Coverage)
1 month – 5 years : Maximum THB 5 million
6 years – 50 years : Maximum THB 15 million
(Except student, house husband, housewife, monk : Maximum THB 10 million)

Mode of Payment

Annual / Semi-annual

Other Benefit

Dividend opportunity (non-guaranteed benefits) starting from the end of the 11th policy year, according to the company's dividend payout policy. Accumulated dividend can be withdrawn up to 40% of latest accumulated dividend amount starting from the policy anniversary at the insured’s 60th birthday. And the remaining amount of accumulated dividend must be no less than 1% of basic sum assured, according to company rules and regulations. (Partial accumulated dividend withdrawal would reduce the opportunity to accumulate dividend and may reduce total benefit amount that the insured would receive.).


Maturity Benefit

Receive 150% of basic sum assured at the end of policy year attaining age 99.

Critical Illness Benefit

Get 100% of Rider Sum Assured (Critical Illness) upon first diagnosis and/or confirmation by a certified physician on one of the 5 critical illnesses. List of the 5 critical illnesses: Acute Heart Attack, Major Stroke, Chronic Kidney Failure, Invasive Cancer, and Coma.

Death benefits

According to a percentage of the basic sum assured, or surrender value or total paid premium of the basic plan, whichever is higher.

Year 1 - Age 74

No less than 100% of basic sum assured

Age 75 – 94

No less than 120% of basic sum assured

Age 95 - 99

No less than 120% of basic sum assured

Terms and conditions

Required Application Documents

  1. A completed full ordinary life application form, signed by both an applicant and a seller.
  2. A sales proposal, signed by both an applicant and a seller.
  3. A certified copy of identification card with an original signature.
    • For juvenile with no identification card (age below 17), birth certificate is accepted.
    • For foreigner, certified copies of passport, visa and work permit with recent information and the completed Non-Thai national declaration form are required.
  4. For juvenile (age below 17), a certified copy of premium payer’s identification card is required.
  5. For an applicant with high-risk occupation and/or more than THB 2,000,000 premium, a self-declaration form is required.


  1. This is a life insurance product, not a bank deposit. For the maximum benefits from the policy, applicants should continue paying premium throughout the premium paying period and hold the policy to maturity. If the policy is terminated before maturity, they may not receive total benefits from the policy or total premium paid back.
  2. Applicants must study and understand policy terms and conditions before deciding to purchase insurance. After receiving the policy contract, please read the policy details, terms and conditions.
  3. Health insurance premium is eligible for tax-deductible benefit up to THB 25,000 per year. However, after incorporating it with life insurance premium, total tax-deductible benefit can be up to THB 100,000 per year, in accordance with the terms and condition prescribed by the Revenue Department.

Underwritten by


TMB Bank Public Company Limited, in its capacity as the insurance broker, will facilitate the insurance transaction and premium payments only, while Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited will be responsible for providing the coverage and benefits as stated in the insurance contract.

Frequently asked questions