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ttb smile car plus

ttb smile car plus

Increase your peace of mind with auto loan protection.


Product highlights

Life protection

Provide life cover equivalent to credit limit and loan repayment period condition approved by bank.

Disability cover

Cover temporary total disability or total permanent disability.

Additional accident coverage

Additional coverage in case of death, temporary total disability, total permanent disability or dismemberment due to accident.

24 hours protection

Peace of mind with 24-hour Worldwide Coverage.

Single premium payment

Just make a single premium payment and you are protected for the entire loan period.

Lessen outstanding debt worries

Best way to help clear off the outstanding loan amount.

Coverage and benefits

The company will pay the reducing sum assured, as per the reducing sum assured schedule stated in the insurance contract, to the first beneficiary (the creditor) in the event that the insured member dies or becomes totally and permanently disabled. The remaining or sum assured of riders, according to the contract’s conditions, will be paid to the second beneficiary or the heir as specified in the insurance contract.

Example of benefits

Male, 30 years old, gets an approval for car loan from a bank in the amount of THB 500,000 (loan amount + interest) with loan repayment period of 4 years (48-month instalments with THB 10,417 per month). He opts to pay a single premium of THB 5,715 for ttb smile car plus auto loan protection. His coverage starts on January 1, 2020.

Example of Benefit Payment : On March 1, 2020, Mr. A met an unexpected event, causing

Benefit details


1 years – 8 years (based on a certain tenure of the loan approved)

Premium Payment Term

Single premium payment

Issue Age

15 years – 64 years (coverage until age 65)

Eligible Applicant

A natural person and TMBThanachart Bank’s auto loan protection customer

Sum Assured

Based on the full loan amount approved as stated in the contract.


Subject to the company’s conditions

For all death cases

the company will pay the reducing sum assured for the month in which the insured member dies, as per the monthly loan schedule stated (except in case the insured member commits suicide within one year from the policy effective date), and additional coverage 100% of initial basic sum assured throughout the contract.

If the insured member becomes temporarily totally disabled because of illness or injury for one consecutive month

the company will pay a monthly benefit equal to monthly instalment amount (calculated with the basic sum assured divided by the number of months of coverage) as long as the insured member is disabled. However, temporary total disability coverage will automatically end on one of the following dates, whichever is earlier:

  1. On the day the insured member dies or becomes totally permanently disabled, or
  2. Temporary total disability benefit is already payable for 3-month instalments (not more than three monthly payments).


If the insured becomes totally and permanently disabled for a continuous period of at least 180 consecutive days

the company will pay benefit amount equal to the reducing sum assured for the month in which the insured member becomes totally and permanently disabled, as per sum assured stated in the schedule, and additional coverage 100% of initial basic sum assured throughout the contract.

In case of dismemberment and loss of sight

the company will pay benefits as follows: (Only one highest benefit will be paid)

  1. Both hands, or both feet, or loss of sight in both eyes
  2. One hand and one foot, or one hand and loss of the sight of one eye, or one foot and loss of the sight of one eye
  3. One hand, or one foot, or loss of the sight of one eye

Terms and conditions

Required Application Documents

  1. Group life insurance application form – loan.
  2. A copy of identification card, certified true with an original signature of the applicant and the beneficiary.


  1. This product is a life insurance product not a bank deposit. For the maximum benefit from the policy, the policyholder should continuously pay the premium throughout the premium payment period as well as holding the policy contract until its maturity. In case the policy contract is terminated prior to its maturity, the applicant may not receive cash benefit in the amount equivalent to the maximum policy benefit he/she is entitled to, or in the amount equivalent to all the premium paid.
  2. The applicant should read, study, and understand the proposal before deciding to buy an insurance. Once receiving the policy contract, please read details, terms and conditions thoroughly.
  3. Life insurance premiums of this insurance plan are not eligible for personal income tax deduction. However, a health insurance premium, up to a maximum of THB 25,000, is eligible for personal income tax deduction. However, the deduction for this premium together with the life insurance premiums paid cannot exceed THB 100,000 in total, according to the regulations of the Revenue Department.

Underwritten by


TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited, in its capacity as the insurance broker, will facilitate the insurance transaction and premium payments only, while Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited will be responsible for providing the coverage and benefits as stated in the insurance contract.

Frequently asked questions