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Environment Management

The Bank is driving towards a more eco-efficient organization. The Bank has introduced a wide-range of initiatives and environmental saving programs to create awareness of environmental issue and to encourage all employees to help reducing internal consumptions of resource, energy, and water and paper. Since 2019, the Bank has set reduction target for resources consumption as a part of corporate KPIs.

The Bank has Energy Conservation Policy to establish commitment in energy saving and conservation as an approach to manage climate change. The major source of energy consumption for the Bank is from electricity and water. Thus, the Bank has been implementing energy consumption reduction initiatives to improve our resource consumption.

The Bank’s water saving initiatives include the installation of automatic water saving faucet, eco flush toilets and introducing eco-friendly wastewater treatment system. For waste management, the Bank encourages employees to maximize the use of resources and launched initiatives e.g. Kid Tung Na, a campaign to promote reusable bags over plastic bags. The Bank also consider improving work processes to minimize paper usage by aiming to be paperless society. We develop bank systems to support paperless work theme to allow people to work on digital platform to reduce environmental impacts.

Emissions data 2023

Scope FY23 emissions (tCO2e)
GHG Scope 1 emission 3,041.80
GHG Scope 2 emission (location-based) 21,600.36
GHG Scope 3 emission 1,474,265.52
Scope 3 Category FY23 emissions (tCO2e) Emissions calculation methodology Remarks
1. Purchased goods and services 313 [Average-data method] Calculated from purchasing amount and weight of each type of papers.  
2. Capital goods -   Considered not material.
3. Fuel and energy related activities -   Considered not material.
4. Upstream transportation and distribution -   Not applicable.
5. Waste generated in operations 230 [Waste-type-specific method] Calculated from waste type relative with treatment method emission factors.  
6. Business travel 6 [Distance-based method] Calculated from external party transportation report.  
7. Employee commuting -   Considered not material.
8. Upstream leased assets 6,724 [Asset-specific method] Calculated from electricity bills of data centers, leased branches and subsidiary.  
9. Downstream transportation and distribution 711 [Distance-based method] Calculated from external party armored car service provider transportation report.  
10. Processing of sold products -   Not applicable.
11. Use of sold products -   Not applicable.
12. End of life treatment of sold products -   Not applicable.
13. Downstream leased assets 31 [Asset-specific method] Calculated from LPG weight used by lessee in the head office.  
14. Franchises -   Not applicable.
15. Investments 1,466,250 [Investment specific method and Average-data method] Calculated from top three carbon-intensive sectors: coal, power generation, oil & gas • Drawing down existing financing of coal mining, exploration and coal power generation by 2028
• 5% restriction of upstream oil & gas of total portfolio

More details : ttb Sustainability Report 2023

Environment Management

The Bank is driving towards a more eco-efficient organization. The Bank has introduced a wide-range of initiatives and environmental saving programs to create awareness of environmental issue and to encourage all employees to help reducing internal consumptions of resource, energy, and water and paper. Since 2019, the Bank has set reduction target for resources consumption as a part of corporate KPIs.

The Bank has Energy Conservation Policy to establish commitment in energy saving and conservation as an approach to manage climate change. The major source of energy consumption for the Bank is from electricity and water. Thus, the Bank has been implementing energy consumption reduction initiatives to improve our resource consumption.

The Bank’s water saving initiatives include the installation of automatic water saving faucet, eco flush toilets and introducing eco-friendly wastewater treatment system. For waste management, the Bank encourages employees to maximize the use of resources and launched initiatives e.g. Kid Tung Na, a campaign to promote reusable bags over plastic bags. The Bank also consider improving work processes to minimize paper usage by aiming to be paperless society. We develop bank systems to support paperless work theme to allow people to work on digital platform to reduce environmental impacts.

Emissions data 2023

Scope FY23 emissions (tCO2e)
GHG Scope 1 emission 3,041.80
GHG Scope 2 emission (location-based) 21,600.36
GHG Scope 3 emission 1,474,265.52
Scope 3 Category FY23 emissions (tCO2e) Emissions calculation methodology Remarks
1. Purchased goods and services 313 [Average-data method] Calculated from purchasing amount and weight of each type of papers.  
2. Capital goods -   Considered not material.
3. Fuel and energy related activities -   Considered not material.
4. Upstream transportation and distribution -   Not applicable.
5. Waste generated in operations 230 [Waste-type-specific method] Calculated from waste type relative with treatment method emission factors.  
6. Business travel 6 [Distance-based method] Calculated from external party transportation report.  
7. Employee commuting -   Considered not material.
8. Upstream leased assets 6,724 [Asset-specific method] Calculated from electricity bills of data centers, leased branches and subsidiary.  
9. Downstream transportation and distribution 711 [Distance-based method] Calculated from external party armored car service provider transportation report.  
10. Processing of sold products -   Not applicable.
11. Use of sold products -   Not applicable.
12. End of life treatment of sold products -   Not applicable.
13. Downstream leased assets 31 [Asset-specific method] Calculated from LPG weight used by lessee in the head office.  
14. Franchises -   Not applicable.
15. Investments 1,466,250 [Investment specific method and Average-data method] Calculated from top three carbon-intensive sectors: coal, power generation, oil & gas • Drawing down existing financing of coal mining, exploration and coal power generation by 2028
• 5% restriction of upstream oil & gas of total portfolio

More details : ttb Sustainability Report 2023

Environment Management

The Bank is driving towards a more eco-efficient organization. The Bank has introduced a wide-range of initiatives and environmental saving programs to create awareness of environmental issue and to encourage all employees to help reducing internal consumptions of resource, energy, and water and paper. Since 2019, the Bank has set reduction target for resources consumption as a part of corporate KPIs.

The Bank has Energy Conservation Policy to establish commitment in energy saving and conservation as an approach to manage climate change. The major source of energy consumption for the Bank is from electricity and water. Thus, the Bank has been implementing energy consumption reduction initiatives to improve our resource consumption.

The Bank’s water saving initiatives include the installation of automatic water saving faucet, eco flush toilets and introducing eco-friendly wastewater treatment system. For waste management, the Bank encourages employees to maximize the use of resources and launched initiatives e.g. Kid Tung Na, a campaign to promote reusable bags over plastic bags. The Bank also consider improving work processes to minimize paper usage by aiming to be paperless society. We develop bank systems to support paperless work theme to allow people to work on digital platform to reduce environmental impacts.

Emissions data 2023

Scope FY23 emissions (tCO2e)
GHG Scope 1 emission 3,041.80
GHG Scope 2 emission (location-based) 21,600.36
GHG Scope 3 emission 1,474,265.52
Scope 3 Category FY23 emissions (tCO2e) Emissions calculation methodology Remarks
1. Purchased goods and services 313 [Average-data method] Calculated from purchasing amount and weight of each type of papers.  
2. Capital goods -   Considered not material.
3. Fuel and energy related activities -   Considered not material.
4. Upstream transportation and distribution -   Not applicable.
5. Waste generated in operations 230 [Waste-type-specific method] Calculated from waste type relative with treatment method emission factors.  
6. Business travel 6 [Distance-based method] Calculated from external party transportation report.  
7. Employee commuting -   Considered not material.
8. Upstream leased assets 6,724 [Asset-specific method] Calculated from electricity bills of data centers, leased branches and subsidiary.  
9. Downstream transportation and distribution 711 [Distance-based method] Calculated from external party armored car service provider transportation report.  
10. Processing of sold products -   Not applicable.
11. Use of sold products -   Not applicable.
12. End of life treatment of sold products -   Not applicable.
13. Downstream leased assets 31 [Asset-specific method] Calculated from LPG weight used by lessee in the head office.  
14. Franchises -   Not applicable.
15. Investments 1,466,250 [Investment specific method and Average-data method] Calculated from top three carbon-intensive sectors: coal, power generation, oil & gas • Drawing down existing financing of coal mining, exploration and coal power generation by 2028
• 5% restriction of upstream oil & gas of total portfolio

More details : ttb Sustainability Report 2023